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Memories of the 2000s YouTube Trolling Scene
I signed up for my first YouTube account in March 2007. Around the beginning of September 2007 (I remember because it was right around the time the 2007–2008 school year started), I began using the account for an odd sort of semi-trolling (but not really true trolling), which I continued to do until around May 2008, after which I transitioned to real, dedicated trolling with my YouTube account. I did this daily until the beginning of September 2009, when I decided to take a break for the 2009–2010 school year; I then briefly returned to YouTube trolling during the summer of 2010, but at that point I found it quite boring and unfulfilling, so I closed my YouTube account that very same summer.
From March 2007 until the summer of 2010, then—with the exception, of course, of the break I took for the 2009–2010 school year—I logged on to my YouTube account pretty much daily and spent a good deal of time on the site, so I was pretty aware of the events and people back then. Though I did not only use my account for trolling (I still made friends and interacted with them normally, uploaded non-trolling videos, and watched, rated, and favorited videos like everybody else), for a long time it was my primary focus, so naturally I paid much attention to my other fellow trolls on YouTube.
What follows are my memories of other YouTube trolls who were active on the site during the 2000s. Of course, even back then YouTube was already an enormous place, so it's virtually impossible for a single person to know about every single troll on the site. I only write about those I can remember, so this list will always be hopelessly incomplete; it is also very biased towards my experience, as I list very famous trolls (e.g. ultraforge) alongside small fries, simply because I happened to be friends with those little guys back then. Where possible, I have provided links to their live YouTube channel and/or an old Internet Archive capture of their channel.
The 4chan Crowd/The Anti-Furries
These were the guys who either were involved in the YouTube Furry War back in the day, continued to troll furries in the aftermath of that war, or otherwise had a heavy 4chan background. They were the most well-known and top trolls on the site, and what I—and probably many others—aspired to be. I knew who they were, but I didn't know any of them personally.
- FrizzleFry101/NotFrizzleFry101: Yes, this was the FrizzleFry, the last leader of the original Patriotic Nigras, who maintained a YouTube account that he used to upload Patriotic Nigras–related videos. The FrizzleFry101 account was his earlier one, and when it was banned, he registered the NotFrizzleFry101 account.
- paxilrose: He, along with VampiressMaura (see below) and a few other trolls whose names I cannot remember, founded and served as an admin for the YouTube Evidence Library. Unfortunately, I don't remember much else about him, though I do remember that he was one of the top trolls back then.
- The Fried Chicken Trolling Crew (FCTC): This was a group of trolls, not an individual troll. They participated in the YouTube Furry War, and most of what I know about them I read from their Encyclopedia Dramatica article.
- ultraforge (see also the various captures of his channel at the Internet Archive): We nicknamed him the
Father of YouTube Trolls
back in the day. He was a YouTube veteran from 2005, having registered his account on 19 December 2005. He was also a member of the FCTC (listed above), and by 2009 he had become the biggest and most respected troll on YouTube. He left the site sometime near the end of 2009—we lost a real hero that day.
- VampiressMaura: She, along with paxilrose (listed above) and a few other trolls whose names I cannot remember, founded and served as an admin for the YouTube Evidence Library, a Web site started around mid-2009 which hosted YouTube videos removed by their uploaders, with the uploaders usually being furries who were targets of trolling. It was an invitation-only site that also served as a troll community, and I was a part of it back when it first started. (When I was invited to it, I knew then that I had made it to the trolling big time.) She was active in 2008 and 2009; originally, she wore the Guy Fawkes mask and a short wig in her videos, but later started showing her face. She is the only female troll I know about.
The Legends
I have only watched videos or read about their activities; unfortunately, I was not lucky enough to have been able to witness their channels or exploits firsthand.
- ErrorSucks12960: A spammer in YouTube's old days. When his ErrorSucks12960 account was banned, I recall that a great deal of new accounts popped up that used the name ErrorSucks in some variation; some simply used the name (and usually were trolls or spammers), whereas others were imposters who claimed to be the original ErrorSucks12960. I was friends with a fellow named ErrorSucks1296O (notice the last character in the username is the letter O, not the digit zero), who merely used the name and didn't claim to be the original.
- Spamass12: Another spammer from the days of yore. Searching his username on YouTube still brings up some videos about him, as well as a channel made by somebody who, apparently, was incredibly mad at him. He may or may not have been the same person as Unknown283 (see below); I am not really sure on that.
- Unknown283: A true God amongst men. He was a very active troll and spammer in (I think) 2007, and searching for his username on YouTube still brings up many videos concerning him. His greatest feat was perhaps his abuse of an old bug in YouTube's channel comments to spam something like 1,000+ comments in a very short amount of time on Tay Zonday's official channel, all of which contained nothing but the word nigger repeated many, many times. He may or may not have been the same person as Spamass12 (listed above).
The RockmanKenny Trolls
These were a group of trolls who, for a time in 2008 (and probably prior to that year as well), frequently trolled a fellow by the name of RockmanKenny, as well as some of his friends. Besides Cirus206, I was friends with all of them, and later on I joined them in trolling RockmanKenny.
- Arthur: A decent troll who appeared one day and joined us in our trolling of RockmanKenny. His username was never simply Arthur; I remember that he was banned a few times, so he ended up making multiple accounts, each of which used some variation of the name Arthur.
- Cirus206 (see also a capture of his channel from 19 December 2012): In addition to his trolling of RockmanKenny, he is also the founder of yourewinner.com, a forum focusing on discussion of the PC game Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. I can remember that when RockmanKenny began to criticize Big Rigs, Cirus saw it as an opportunity for trolling him and jumped on it. We knew about each other, but were never friends.
- GuyWhoLikesSpam: A very good troll, and probably the second-best one I was personally friends with (the best one was MercurialIris, listed below). He closed his account sometime during early/mid-2008. His profile picture was an image of an aqua sedan from the 1980s or 1990s.
- MercurialIris (see also a capture of his channel from 16 April 2011): The best troll I was personally friends with, and a very active one, too: despite not having uploaded a single video until 2010, his channel still managed to collect tens of thousands of views before then (which, in the 2000s, was a pretty noteworthy amount) due to his frequent trolling. I will admit that I even looked up to the guy as a troll—he knew the craft very well. For a long time, his profile picture was Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man.
- RulesOneandTwo (see also another capture of his channel from a few days later): A good troll, he also had a 4chan background: his username, if you didn't know, is a reference to an old 4chan catchphrase, back when that site was much less mainstream than it is today.
Other trolls I was friends with.
For a much longer list of YouTube trolls, take a look at the list made by the Anti-Troll Organization, which was last updated on 23 July 2009; however, I should warn you against taking that list too seriously, because it's likely that they also added to it anybody they didn't like or found to be slightly unpleasant, not just actual trolls. (And, yes, there really was an Anti-Troll Organization on YouTube back then; I can remember viewing their YouTube channel when it still existed. Hell, there was even an Anti-Anti-Troll Organization! YouTube truly was a more fun and entertaining place in those days.)
This page last modified on 4 September 2021.